1. Each demanded some payment that was overdue: twelve shillings for the furniture and oilcloth; one pound four and one penny for the General District and Special Rates; and one pound one and fivepence halfpenny for Poor Rate.

2. But a closer study of the evidence, supported by a deeper sense of the period, and particularly by a new consciousness of the philosophical undercurrents in the scientific revolution, has profoundly modified this view of Galileo.

3. But the general is the dearest old man!

4. But when I went into his room, a carton of cigarettes in my hand, I discovered the "head waiter" in the uniform of a Major General.

5. But note the modesty with which King advanced his view:

6. C.You decide to present your point of view; you explain your reasoning seriously to your friend.

7. But most of all, he sunk his dishonest gains into this village that captured his heart with its fine stone cottages, its central area of green grass, green rows of hedges, and its fantastic view of rolling fields and pine forests disappearing into th

8. But parents of identical twins don't view one child as an organ farm for the other.

9. Brain research shows that our view of the world is limited by our genes and the experiences we've had.

10. We have a general cleaning every Saturday.